Diapering Supplies

Families can access no-cost diapering supplies through select PDX Diaper Bank partner agencies. To see a complete list, CLICK HERE.

Emergency T-Shirt Diaper: How to Fold

If you ever find yourself without a diaper for your child, an up-cycled t-shirt can be a simple, no-cost solution.

How to Make Homemade Baby Wipes:

You’ll Need:

1 1/2 cups water
2 Tbsp. baby bath or shampoo (any gentle soap will do)
1 Tbsp. baby oil (or olive oil)


Soft washcloths OR 1 roll quality paper towels

Mix water, soap, and oil in a small squirt or washing bottle. Apply solution to the wash cloth or paper towel immediately before using to clean your baby. This is one of MANY recipes for homemade baby wipes on the internet.


Additional Resources

Your Continence Care Could be Covered by Medicaid. 

Adults and children covered by Medicaid may be able to receive diapers, pull-ons, wipes, and other bladder control supplies at no cost through their insurance policy. Learn more about HOW TO RECEIVE INCONTINENCE SUPPLIES THROUGH OREGON MEDICAID.

Aeroflow Urology can assist in determining your qualification for the program: https://aeroflowurology.com/qualify-through-insurance

Click HERE to learn more.

Struggling with Hospital Bills?

A medical crisis shouldn’t mean a financial crisis. Non-profit hospitals in the United States are required to forgive or reduce bills for low and middle-income patients.

Dollar For is a free non-profit organization that helps patients navigate charity care programs. Dollar For has helped patients crush over 19 million dollars in medical debt. To find out if you qualify: DollarFor.org/pdx.

Flyer (English)

Flyer (Spanish)

Free and Confidential Support. 

The mission of Baby Blues Connection is to support parents and their families coping with pregnancy and postpartum mood disorders, with information, resources, and community; and connect and support the volunteers, staff and professionals who serve them. www.babybluesconnection.org 

Contact Center

Call 2-1-1 if you are in need of support for your family such as food, shelter, etc. The Community Information Team is there to help you navigate your way to finding resources in the community.