Job Opportunities
DDDRP Project Coordinator
Part-time (30 hours weekly), Temporary
View Complete Job Description | Apply for the position via LinkedIn; should the applicant not have a LinkedIn Profile, please email all requested documentation/information to: Rachel@pdxdiaperbank.org
Volunteer Opportunities
PDX Diaper Bank is in need of volunteer support relating to the following:
Diaper Wrapping Volunteers – Individuals and groups by appointment, weekdays between 9:30-1:00. Email megan@pdxdiaperbank.org to schedule. Formal volunteer application NOT required.
Donations Courier Volunteer (East Side) – 1 position currently available. Estimated time commitment is up to 5 hours monthly. Requires a valid driver’s license. Submit a volunteer application (link below), and email rachel@pdxdiaperbank.org for more information.
- Board Members – Position(s) now open! Submit board member application (below); formal interview required. Two-year term for officer positions. Download the board member application and description using the button below, or click HERE to submit the application online. Email rachel@pdxdiaperbank.org for more information.
Healthy Children & Families Assistant – Academic internship or volunteer position. Hours vary depending upon volunteer interest. Complete a volunteer application (link below). Email Rachel@pdxdiaperbank.org for job description.
Committee Member Volunteer – Support our annual fundraiser dinner & auction, Dining for Diapers, in the areas of auction preparation, marketing, event coordination, etc. Submit volunteer application (link below). Email Rachel@pdxdiaperbank.org for more information.