get in touch with us

Support PDX Diaper Bank by shopping at the businesses below! They have pledged to provide support to our organization based upon referral and/or sales.

If your place of business is interested in joining Shopping for a Cause, please contact Rachel at

Any purchaser or seller of real estate in Oregon through Kathryn King at KJK Properties, P.C. (that states they were referred by PDX Diaper Bank) receives 50% off a 1 year home warranty (a $200 value). PDX Diaper Bank also receive a $200 donation from KJK Properties, P.C. for the referral!

Visit Website

In Kind Boxes is a nonprofit organization based near Portland, Oregon.  They have curated a gift box filled with organic bath and personal care items, which are a great gift for new moms and their babies! For every In Kind gift box that sells, another is donated to a family in need. PDX Diaper Bank is a direct recipient of donations of In Kind boxes, and we provide them to the parents who attend our educational workshops. By supporting In Kind Boxes, you are directly supporting PDX Diaper Bank and the families we serve. 

Shop for a Gift Box

GladRags is a local business that manufactures/sells re-usable menstrual products including cotton pads, cups, and related accessories. GladRags partners with PDX Diaper Bank at our monthly cloth diapering educational workshops, where they discuss the financial, health, and environmental benefits of using re-usual menstrual products. They provide all of PDX Diaper Bank’s workshop attendees  with a no-cost pad to get them started. By supporting GladRags, you are directly supporting our cloth diapering families.  

Shop GladRags

Support PDX Diaper Bank just by shopping at Fred Meyer with your Rewards Card! Fred Meyer donates over $2 million each year to the community’s favorite causes – up to $550,000 each quarter – to the local schools, community organizations and nonprofits of your choice. All you have to do is link your Rewards Card and scan it every time you shop at Fred Meyer. 

Link your card here.

Buy or Sell on Ebay to support PDX Diaper Bank. As a seller, you can donate 10-100 percent of your sale. Click HERE to see how it works. 


Donates $5 to PDX Diaper Bank for every order received. Shop Here

Raise money for PDX Diaper Bank (Portland – OR) just by searching the web and shopping online!