What Does PDX Diaper Bank Do?


We Work to Provide Diapers to Families in Need

Improving the Lives of Babies & Seniors

In collaboration with our partner agencies, PDX Diaper Bank provides diapers and diapering supplies to low-income families with young children, older adults, and individuals with disabilities living in Portland and the surrounding areas.

The average cost to diaper a child is $1200 annually, which is a financial hardship for 1 in 2 American families (source: The NDBN Diaper Check 2023). There are no government programs to support parents with the high cost of diapers – these supplies are not covered by WIC or SNAP. PDX Diaper Bank distributes both cloth and disposable diapers to the community in order to bridge this service gap.


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We Provide Education to Our Community

Raising Awareness About Sustainable Diapering Solutions

In addition to supplying diapers to organizations, we are dedicated to providing community education about cloth diapering. We offer a 45-minute Cloth Diapering on a Budget workshop free of charge for other nonprofit/government organizations to benefit their clients. Contact us today if your organization would like to invite PDX Diaper Bank into its classroom.

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Cloth Diaper Workshops

Monthly Education for Income Eligible Families

During workshops, families receive valuable information and resources (including cloth diapering supplies) in order to successfully cloth diaper their babies. Families receiving SNAP, WIC, or similar services automatically qualify for services from PDX Diaper Bank.  

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